Get to know some of our current interns, including why they’re pursuing a career in technology, their experiences at WiseTech so far, and advice for their younger selves.
What are you studying and when are you due to graduate?
I’m studying Software Engineering at UNSW and if everything goes to plan, I’ll graduate in 2023!
Why did you decide to study your degree?
I've always had a passion for problem solving, and I love that software engineering involves solving puzzles every day! It's awesome seeing code you write come to life up on the screen, and being able to instantly see the effect of your work.
Have you always known you wanted to work in the tech industry?
Absolutely not! I dropped software design and development in year 12, and was all set to launch into a science degree and do research somewhere! But after talking to an older friend currently doing a computer science degree, I decided to give tech another go - and I'm super glad I did.
Which team are you currently in at WiseTech and what sort of work are you doing?
I'm working in the Rating team. It's a backend team that deals with all things pricing related, and allows clients to enter in, automatically calculate and view loads of information related to moving a package from one place to another.
What was it about WiseTech that appealed to you?
I'd heard great things about WiseTech from other interns who worked here previously, and was attracted to being able to work in a tech-focused company that had long standing, effective software development practices.
What are you hoping to get out of your time at WiseTech?
A clear understanding of what backend development looks like, learning development fundamentals from incredibly experienced developers and a better idea of what it’s like to work in the tech industry.
What (or who) inspires or motivates you?
My partner and my friends. Even when the code isn't working, it’s awesome to have an incredible support network to remind me that there is life, purpose and fulfillment beyond the text editor.
If you choose anyone to mentor you, who would it be and why?
Elon Musk! He is an incredibly ambitious and driven inventor, who's taken on so many different technology related ventures. I think he would work me super hard, but it would be awesome to be able to peer into such a complex and intellectual mind.
What advice would you give your younger self?
To stop worrying so much, and to stop and smell the roses. Life moves too fast to worry - you have to take the time to enjoy the small things in every moment when you can.