WiseTech Global was awarded 'Best Use of Technology for Investor Communications by an Australasian Company' at the 2024 Australasian Investor Relations Association (AIRA) Best Practice Investor Relations Awards.

WiseTech was also short listed for the ‘Best ESG Engagement by an Australasian Company’ category.

“As one of Australia’s largest listed technology companies, we are constantly looking for better ways to use technology to reach our investor community globally in a way that is meaningful and convenient for them. Building on the move to virtual earnings calls that was necessitated by COVID, this year we demonstrated machine generated avatars on an AI platform to deliver machine translations of the English 1H24 earnings call script into four non-English languages. It is just the tip of the iceberg!” said Ross Moffat, Head of Investor Relations, WiseTech Global.

“We are committed to effectively communicating information about our financial performance, strategy, products and customers. You can find out more on our investor center, which includes our knowledge hub“ he said.

AIRA’s awards recognize listed entities that have excelled in investor relations over the past year. Winners were determined, based on voting by domestic and international equities analysts and fund managers.

Photo: WiseTech's Charlotte West, Sustainability & ESG Manager, Krystal Mazic, Investor Relations & Group Events Manager, Ross Moffat, Head of Investor Relations and Alicia Burgmann, Head of Sustainability & ESG.