Join a true tech company and accelerate your development

Did you know that 1 in 16 Australians work in the technology sector, and there are more software engineers and developers in Australia than solicitors, police, plumbers, and hairdressers?

Tech jobs are creative, flexible, and challenging. They give you the opportunity to be part of a highly skilled and highly valued industry that provides career stability, while also putting your problem-solving skills to the test to make real, positive change in the world.

Working at WiseTech means working collaboratively with your team of other developers, product managers and designers to come up with solutions that address the modern day problems of the logistics and supply chain industry.

About our Earn & Learn scholarships

When you complete your university degree through our program you combine recognized coursework, real-world experience, and university scholarship funding to give you an unparalleled start on your career. The WiseTech Earn & Learn program is run in collaboration with the Bachelor of Computer Science - IDeA at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 

Invest in your future – get paid to work and study

You'll get a potential comprehensive remuneration and scholarship package of ~$300,000* over your four-year degree, including your university course payments and share rights. 

Access to a structured education program

Learn from the best and brightest. Our structured education program not only exposes you to different technology, platforms, and learning opportunities – you'll be mentored by the industry's best.

On the job training to set yourself ahead of your peers

Accelerate your professional capabilities by applying your skills immediately on the job. Set yourself ahead of your peers by working across different teams that focus on a variety of complex problems.  

* Salary is on a full-time equivalent basis with actual salary based on days worked at WiseTech Global. Reimbursement of course costs is based on level of academic performance for each subject, in line with WiseTech's Further Education Assistance Scheme as amended from time to time. Each share right is a right to receive one WiseTech Global share and remains subject to our Equity Incentive Plan Rules and the conditions in the relevant offer documents for each grant.

Applications for our January 2024 intake are now closed.

Register your interest in our 2025 intake to receive information about the Earn and Learn program and our application process.

Register now

Want to find out more? Download one of our brochures for more information on our Scholarship program.

Student guide

Teacher and parent guide

"It's a really fun working environment where I get to collaborate with other people who also enjoy coding and programming. They give us real projects to work on, so I really feel like I'm learning things at WiseTech that I can use at uni and in my work."

Shenaya Mirando, Associate Software Engineer
Earn & Learn Program

Why WiseTech is the right choice for you

Not only will you work with a team who are interested in the same things as you, you'll also get to work with some of the smartest mentors in Australia, helping you accelerate your career in tech. We're different to other tech companies. 

Part of a true success story

WiseTech is a true Australian success story. Founded in 1994 in a basement in Newtown, years later we're a ~$25 billion software giant taking on the world. We're proud to be one of Australia's largest and most success tech firms. Our people are the heart and soul of WiseTech and the driving force of our strategy. 

Access to company benefits

You'll have access to a huge range of benefits to support your health and wellbeing and grow your skills and career with our development programs like learning platforms, flexible work, wellness tools, employee assistance program, expert financial advice, as well as many social activities.

Positive change for the world

Technology should be a catalyst for positive change – for the people and environment around us. We're digitizing one of the world's oldest industries: international trade. We pride ourselves on our culture of learning, collaboration, and continuous development. We're making an incredible difference in the world - join us!

"What you learn at university versus what you learn here, in the workplace, is so incredibly different. At WiseTech, I'm learning entirely new programming, at a much larger scale and at a much faster pace. I feel like I'm learning so much more."

Will Crossley, Associate Software Engineer
Earn & Learn Program

Come and be part of our exciting growth story – and advance your potential with us!

We're changing the world of logistics – one innovation at a time. Find out how we're making impact and supporting the communities and people around us. 

Hear from Jacob Dunk about his career journey so far, what he loves about solving problems and how he’s been able to shape his career at WiseTech.

Hear from our team members about why it's important to enable more women to enter technology careers.  

Learn more about us

Symphony of Movement

Our world-leading product CargoWise helps our customers deliver flawless supply-chain performance. From freight forwarding, customs, warehousing, and shipping to tracking, land transport, eCommerce and cross-border compliance, CargoWise offers truly global capabilities for a global industry.

Have a question you'd like to ask us?

Through our programs, we encourage and support the next generation of innovation leaders. 

Are you ready to join a community of people making a positive impact in the world? Feel free to get in touch! 


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