Our Sustainability & ESG framework sets out our strategic objectives in three impact priority areas. These are underpinned by strong foundations and enablers. The framework is also designed to embed sustainability across our business through the foundational principles and ensure enablers are in place to improve our long-term sustainability.
The impact priority areas of education, people and culture, and net zero carbon are both value drivers for our business and important, long-term challenges for which WiseTech can help lead and drive solutions.
Our education initiatives build skills and passion for creative problem solving in young people, and a pipeline for our future workforce.
People and culture
We attract and retain the best talent, and our high-performance culture supports diversity and inclusion.
Net zero carbon
Our global operations are net zero carbon and our products support customers to reduce emissions from global logistics.
View the Sustainability Report within our Annual Report for the latest performance information against our three impact priorities.
We operate with integrity, security and effective governance, customers trust us, and sustainability is integrated into decisions and actions
We are a force for good and actively work to maximize positive impact for us, our stakeholders and the planet.
Transparency and engagement
We transparently disclose our performance, and engage and collaborate to achieve the best outcomes.
- Principles and policies
- Risk management
- Measurement
- Employees
- Customers
- Investors
- Suppliers
- Community partners
- Government and regulators
- Industry associations
How we manage key ESG topics:
Our People
Our people are the heart and soul of WiseTech – they are the driving force of our strategy. At WiseTech, our culture is not by accident. Our creativity is by design. Our people define us.
Making a positive contribution to the communities we are part of is integral to the sustainability of our business. We hire talented people who have a passion to share their knowledge and want to help improve the industry and communities in which they live and work.
We've been operating in the global logistics service provider software market since 1994. We create breakthrough products that enable and empower the world’s supply chains.
We recognize the importance of minimizing the environmental impact of our operations, as well as the opportunity for our technology and products to help our customers minimize the environmental impacts of their operations.
The Board Charter sets out responsibilities for approving strategy, business plans and policies, the system of Corporate Governance and our values. It also establishes the Board’s responsibility for overseeing the implementation of WiseTech’s sustainability and ESG practices and initiatives.
Board Committees such as People & Remuneration Committee and the Audit & Risk Committee, support the Board to meet its responsibilities. The Chair and CEO regularly meet with investors and other stakeholders on a range of topics which include ESG matters.
The ESG & Sustainability Team leads the development and implementation of the sustainability strategy and the company’s ESG disclosures, reporting to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Day-to-day management of sustainability-related risks and opportunities is coordinated by the ESG & Sustainability Team and led by the Senior Management Team and relevant business leaders. A number of cross-functional working groups work to further progress our sustainability agenda.
WiseTech Global has reported on our sustainability performance annually since 2016 in our Annual Report.
To read our latest Sustainability Report, visit the Annual Reports section of our Investor Center.
Our annual Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Board Standards (SASB) Index shows our alignment with the GRI and SASB Standards.
Corporate governance
WiseTech’s Board and management are committed to high corporate governance standards and to actively managing our risks and opportunities.
The Board Charter sets out responsibilities for approving strategy, business plans and policies, the system of Corporate Governance and our values.
We identify relevant ESG and sustainability topics which impact WiseTech and those which WiseTech impacts, and key stakeholder groups (employees, customers, investors and community partners) and specific organizations and individuals within these.
We undertake desktop research using third-party guidelines such as the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), peer benchmarking and our own analysis of environmental, social and economic topics.
Materiality verification
We determine which issues are relevant for our business by further discussing the outcomes of our engagement with relevant stakeholders.
We ask stakeholders to prioritize the ESG and sustainability issues based on the importance to them in the context of their relationship with WiseTech. The results are reviewed, and the most material topics are identified.
Reporting on materiality
We manage and report on our key ESG and sustainability topics informed by GRI and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards.
Detail on our annual performance can be found in the sustainability section of our annual reports from FY21 onwards as well as our annual GRI and SASB Index. Our management approach to key ESG topics is reported online.
Retail shareholders |
We have dedicated staff in our corporate head office who respond to retail shareholder questions and feedback. We also communicate regularly with our retail shareholders via our website, email, mail‑outs and at our Annual General Meeting, which provides retail shareholders with the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback directly to the Chairman, Board, and CEO. |
Institutional shareholders |
Our Investor Relations Team, CEO, and CFO are available to answer questions or receive feedback from institutional investors. We meet with our institutional investors on a regular basis as part of our:
Sell side analysts |
Investment analysts are invited to participate via webcast or phone call in our half and full year results briefings during which they can ask questions of our CEO and CFO. These briefings are available to all shareholders to listen to live or on replay through the website. |
Customers |
Our Global Support Team manages the relationships and engagement programs with our customers. The Global Support Team obtains feedback in our customer system and connect real-time with our customers. We also engage with our business customers via workshops, industry forums, training sessions, our website, online portal with our community forum and our social media platforms (Facebook and LinkedIn). |
Employees |
We place great importance on engaging with our team members via a range of means including:
Government |
As an industry leader, WiseTech collaborates when appropriate with government consultation processes. |
Community partners |
Education is one of our three sustainability impact priorities, so we partner with a number of universities and education providers in Australia and beyond. |
Suppliers |
We purchase from over 2,500 suppliers from more than 50 different countries. |
Industry associations |
We are members of the industry bodies outlined in the Industry Participation section below. Through our memberships, we participate in discussions regarding issues facing the industry and related lobbying activity. |
- International Air Transport Association
- FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations
- The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA)
- Freight & Trade Alliance
- The Tech Council of Australia
- Australian Society for Computers and Law
- Association of Corporate Counsel
- Group of 100
- Shipping Australia
- Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia
- Victorian Transport Association
- Customs Brokers & Forwarders Council of Australia
- Australian Federation of Intl Forwarders
- Belgian Freight Forwarders Association
- Instituto Procomex
- Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association
- Canadian Society of Customs Brokers
- China International Freight Forwarders Association
- International Shipping Enterprise Alliance
- Shanghai International Freight Forwarders Association
- Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Association
- Tianjin International Freight Forwarders Association
- L’Office de Développement par l’Automatisation et la Simplification du Commerce Extérieur
- Federación de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes de Carga y Operadores Logísticos Internacionales de América Latina y El Caribe
New Zealand
- Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand
South Africa
- The South African Association of Freight Forwarders
- The Interest Group Air Cargo Switzerland
United Kingdom
- Association of Freight Software Suppliers
- British International Freight Forwarding Association
- The United Kingdom Warehousing Association
United States
- International Air Cargo Association of Chicago
- National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America
- Chicago Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) seek to address the most significant challenges our world is facing today.
We have mapped the UN SDG framework against our activities to understand the role we play in addressing these challenges.
Our activities directly contribute to the achievement of five UN SDGs, which we have highlighted below.
Our contribution to the goals

Goal description
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
WiseTech contribution
- We offer accessible, affordable, online technology and global supply chain logistics learning via WiseTech Academy.
- We support computer science undergraduates to hit the ground running by combining academic theory with real-world application in a work setting through our Earn & Learn program.

Goal description
Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
WiseTech contribution
- Our technology facilitates global trade and the movement of essential goods and supports greater global economic productivity
- Read more about our management approach, and our performance in our Annual Report
- Our Modern Slavery Statement can be found on the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Register

Goal description
Reduce inequality within and among countries
WiseTech contribution
- We are proud to be a workplace of incredibly smart people with diverse and eclectic experience, an abundance of talents and motivation fueled by purpose
- We value a strong and diverse workforce and are committed to diversity and inclusion
- Our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Principles are designed to foster a culture that values and achieves diversity in our workforce and on our Board
- Read more about our management approach, and our performance in our Annual Report

Goal description
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
WiseTech contribution
- We recognize the importance of minimizing the environmental impact of our operations, as well as the opportunity for our technology and products to help our customers minimize the environmental impacts of their operations
- Increased productivity through our software can have environmental benefits including reduction in futile trips, optimized load configuration and the elimination of delays in intermodal transportation
- Efficiency improvements also allow automation and the removal of numerous manual tasks
- Read more about our management approach and our performance in our Annual Report

Goal description
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
WiseTech contribution
- We recognize that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and are committed to taking action to reduce, and eventually eliminate, emissions from our operations
- We offset 100% of emissions from WiseTech’s global operations (Scope 1 & 2)
- We have set out a pathway to achieve our net zero global operations ambition, which we will be working to achieve over the coming years
- Read more about our management approach and our performance in our Annual Report